What is representing EM-2022

The actual period is characterised by deepening of the complex of crises at the global scale that complicate the path of implementation of the launched desiderates in the view of mitigation and adaptation to the climate change and transition of energy complex to clean, sustainable and affordable technology systems. Moreover, the geographic part of the South-East of Europe where we live, an emergent region affected by acute insufficiency of primary energy resources, remains vulnerable in terms of ensuring energy security, which represents an important component of the security at all. How could we consolidate the effort of the academic community represented by universities and research institutes of the energy field, decision makers as central and local public authorities in the domains for implementation of the energy polices and regulation mechanisms, energy enterprises of the energy sector and business environment, NGOs, civil society and other interested players in order to propose innovative solutions in the scope of the development of energy sector at the national and regional scales. The two-days International Scientific Conference „Energy of Moldova. Regional aspects of development, EM-2022”, IV-th edition planned for the days of September 29-30, 2022 in Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova promises to provide high quality platform to share knowledge and experience exposed gathering key voices from high-level experts during the dedicated sessions. This will provide an excellent regional forum to disseminate original scientific and managerial sets of solutions adapted to our geographic conditions and specific realities.