
Encouraged by the success of the previous three editions of the International Scientific Conference „Energy of Moldova. Regional aspects of development”, in the years of 2005, 2012 and 2016 we are glad to inform you that mentioned scientific events provided valuable collections of published articles in special issues (conference proceedings), listing 92 pieces in 2005, 102 – in 2012 and 102 – in 2016. ( https://ibn.idsi.md/collection_view/10). The high quality of the content of scientific and managerial approach developed in the materials of EM Conference is proved arguing by contained relevant proposed recommendations for those times and conditions. Ideas proposed in the form of deliverables of EM editions can be met in many energy policy documents of the state Republic of Moldova, where these have been used. Keynote reports exposed by invited prominent speakers focused on the related state-of-the-art engineering technologies are cited in subsequent science publications.